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Q&A with NBA 2K League Pro BP

Writer: Trenton ReedTrenton Reed

In today’s post, I caught up with BP to get his take on how the NBA 2K League has evolved since 2019 and more.

Q: After last appearing in the NBA 2K League in 2022 with Grizz Gaming, retiring, and then coming back to try to make the league again, what have you learned about yourself throughout your journey?

A: “With success comes a lot of hatred. I’ve learned that not every action deserves a reaction and that with patience comes success.”

Q: What are some things skill-wise that set you apart from other NBA2KL prospects and how will you be able to use those skills to your advantage throughout the remainder of the pre-draft process to ensure that you hear your name called on draft night?

A: “What sets me apart from the other prospects is that I'm a four-year veteran when it comes down to the game, and I’ve actually experienced working with other professionals like myself and got to learn how to deal with multiple personalities and be a team player. Previously being in the league taught me valuable leadership skills and understanding that losing is also a part of winning and that the main takeaway is to just get better with time and practice.”

Q: What has been the most difficult part of trying to make your way back into the league?

A: “I don’t feel like going for the league again is a difficult process. However, the difficult part for me was having to take a year off and identify my flaws within myself and work on them. I think another challenge I was having was explaining to others that I’m not who I once was and that I’ve grown as an individual, but I have come to terms that it really goes without being said.”

Q: In your opinion, how has the NBA 2K League evolved since you were first drafted in 2019?

A: “I feel as though the league has evolved a lot, I like how they have become more futuristic by adding the 3v3 gameplay along with the fan engagement. The variety in venues and experiences for players worldwide overall seems to be heading in the right direction.”

Q: Where do you feel you have grown the most, either as a player or a person throughout your time playing NBA 2K?

A: “I have definitely grown the most as a person, life in general and just maturing has taught me so much. Being able to take what I have learned now and bring it to the league is something I’m really looking forward to.”

Q: What was the first NBA 2K that you played?

A: “The first NBA 2K that I played was NBA 2K6 with Shaq on the cover.”

Q: If you could go back in time and remake an old NBA 2K, which game would you choose?

A: “If I could remake any NBA 2k game, it would be NBA 2k11 as the base. I would keep crew mode and add features from today's 2K series.”

Q: During your time in the NBA 2K League, which team was the most challenging to face?

A: “To be honest, I didn't really feel like there was a team that was a big challenge. However, I did enjoy playing against the Wizards, Warriors, and the Kings.”

Q: What is a fact about you that a lot of people wouldn’t know?

A: “A lot of people actually don’t know that I was born with a rare eye disease called “Keratoconus”. This condition has caused me to be legally blind, but with the proper care and treatments I’m able to see fairly well.”

Q: What are some hobbies that you have outside of gaming?

A: “Outside of the game, I mostly enjoy spending time with my family and my significant other.”

Q: Do you have any final thoughts as we wrap up this Q&A?

A: “I enjoyed a lot of the questions you had for me and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to get my take on the NBA 2k League, along with some of my personal experiences.”


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